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Coronavirus Essay writing in English - Bong Source
Coronavirus Essay writing in English - Bong Source


"coronavirus essay writing in english" - Here it is (1843 Words)

The following essays on corona virus are written in a little larger format for all types of readers and students. You can read all the essays as you need and write them very short.

Introduction: From the earliest times of creation, man has advanced on the path of advanced civilization by utilizing his keen intellect. Modern science, sophisticated technology has been born in the rule of time; Life has gained a unique dimension. On the way to the triumph of civilization, people have traveled from the underworld to space today. But at the same time, it is also true that as civilization has flourished on the face of the earth, the ever new challenges of human life have increased. The form of this adversity of life is also different in different eras. Injuries sometimes come in the form of natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods or droughts; In the crisis of existence man suffers for fear of ever colliding with any cosmic object on the earth; Sometimes the footsteps of the death of civilization can be heard in the arrival of a deadly disease or epidemic. The latest addition to the list of the world's deadliest epidemics is the corona virus, the main topic of our article.

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What is an epidemic ?: Like human civilization, epidemics have a long history on earth. To know or understand the corona virus, one must first be aware of the epidemic. Naturally, the first question that comes to mind is, is it really an epidemic? When the germs of a disease spread over a specific area for any reason, it is called endemic. When the bacterium spreads across a large area across a specific region and the number of infections increases, it is termed as an epidemic or epidemic. Gets acquainted with the name. Each epidemic has a specific character or type of infection. In some cases the epidemic spreads from the water used every day, in some cases from a disease-carrying organism, sometimes from a fungus; Never again directly from man to man.

Epidemics in history: This history of epidemics around the world is extremely cruel and painful. Sometimes the epidemic came in the form of cholera, sometimes it came down the curse of the terrible black death or plague, sometimes the Zika virus, sometimes Ebola, sometimes the Spanish flu. And the latest addition to this list is coronavirus. At different times in history, millions of people have died in various epidemics around the world. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during this time, as the population has grown exponentially with the advancement of civilization.

The source of the coronavirus: The origin of the coronavirus is still debated around the world. According to some, the virus is artificially created in the laboratory; Some experts believe that the source of the virus is bats. However, no quarter has been able to reach a consensus on this issue. One thing that almost everyone is convinced of is the ground zero of this virus. That is, where did the infection first start? According to the World Health Organization, the virus was transmitted from a meat market in Wuhan, the capital of Hunan Province in China. From there, the virus spread from person to person, taking the form of a global epidemic.

Naming: First of all, the words corona and virus are derived from Latin. The word corona means crown and virus means a type of acellular microbial pathogen which literally means 'poison'. There is widespread disagreement among scientists as to whether the virus belongs to an inanimate group or not. Therefore, it is advisable to treat the virus as a disease-carrying bacterium. On the other hand, the reason why the virus in question is not called corona is because of its shape. The virus, observed under an electron microscope, has numerous thorns piercing its body, giving it an apparent crown shape. This virus is quite large in size compared to other members of the virus group. They range in diameter from 0.08 microns to 0.14 microns or on average 0.125 microns.

Corona's character analysis: A hair analysis of its character is essential to know the true nature of today's coronavirus. Coronavirus is not new to this world of diseases. Corona virus was first detected in the human body in 1960. Since then, until 2003, about five types of coronaviruses that carry the disease have been discovered in the human body. The virus takes up residence in the human body, causing major respiratory complications. But our main discussion of coronavirus is very different from the old coronavirus and of a completely new nature. As a result, it has been identified as a novel coronavirus from the very beginning. The virus has been circulating in China since late 2019. The virus enters the body through the mucus and attacks various organs. In this case also the main target is the human respiratory system. The highly contagious virus mainly spreads from person to person. Experts have identified the disease caused by Novel Corona virus as Kovid-19. The whole thing is Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19).

Infections: There does not seem to be much room for further discussion on the causes of infection worldwide. No one, from the biggest doctors to the World Health Organization, has yet been fully convinced of how the virus can spread from person to person. However, according to experts, the infection of this virus is divided into four stages. The first is the type of people who have been infected directly from a particularly infected area. The second stage is where people who are directly infected transmit the virus to other people they come in contact with. In the third stage, the infection spreads over a larger area.

People who do not come into direct contact with the infected person at this stage also become infected from their surroundings. This is known as the stage of group transition. In the fourth or final stage, the infection takes the form of an epidemic in the state or across the country. When corona virus infection reaches this fourth stage, it becomes almost impossible to prevent it without a vaccine.

Treatment: Experts have identified the human body's lack of immunity as one of the main causes of coronavirus infection. Symptoms such as sore throat, fever or shortness of breath can be noticed in the affected people. No specific treatment for the virus has yet been identified. In this case, the patient's body is given preventive treatment from outside by applying the medicine according to the symptoms of the complication in the body of the infected person. The body slowly builds up antibodies against the virus inside itself by this preventive treatment. During this procedure the patient has to remain in complete isolation. However, recent studies have shown that coronavirus can have long-term effects on various parts of a person's body.

Preventive Measures: It has already been mentioned that there is no specific treatment for Covid-19. It is treated according to the symptoms. So the only way to avoid this virus is to get vaccinated and take preventive measures. According to experts, this preventive measure mainly refers to the practice of maintaining social or physical distance between people. In order to comply with this rule, governments around the world issue lockdowns across countries or specific infected areas. In addition, scientists have repeatedly recommended the use of special masks as a precautionary measure against the virus and the use of a sanitizer made of 70% isopropyl alcohol to keep hands clean. They also said that special needs during the infection and going out of the house without a mask should be completely stopped. Otherwise, it will not be possible for us to prevent coronavirus.

Vaccination: After long research all over the world, different countries of the world have been able to discover a vaccine or vaccine for corona virus. A team from the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom first discovered a vaccine for coronavirus after a long study and began its trial. This was followed by the United States and Russia and China first experimenting with vaccines discovered in their own countries. The daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin was the first to receive the vaccine in Russia. Our subcontinent has not lagged behind in inventing and applying vaccines. Two companies in India: Serum Institute and Bharat Biotech have come up with two long awaited vaccines made in India.

One is Covishield and the other is Covacin made by Bharat Biotech. It was first piloted, and after the successful completion of the trial phase, step-by-step immunization began.

Global Corona Impact:

Direct effect:

The direct and indirect effects of coronavirus are far-reaching around the world. As a direct effect, we see millions of people being infected with Kovid-19 every day in front of our eyes. The highest incidence rate is in densely populated areas. Thousands of these infected people are losing their lives every day. On the other hand, in underdeveloped and developing countries, medical and infrastructural conditions are becoming more and more evident. Even developed countries continue to have significant deficits in providing services to large numbers of patients. News is coming from different parts of the world that people are dying without treatment.

Indirect effects:

Meanwhile, as a result of the lockdown to take preventive measures, various small and medium industries are facing a crisis. Large industries have also started to suffer due to lack of capital. The livelihoods of countless people associated with them are also in question. Unemployment is rising abnormally around the world. The world economy is in crisis. Naturally, poverty, starvation and lack of food are taking hold of the society. The discriminatory image of the society is becoming more and more evident day by day. Along with this, the black market of various essential items has increased in an unusual way. In addition to preventive materials such as masks or sanitizers, corruption has also begun in the case of much-needed testing kits.

Due to the indefinite lockdown, the tendency of people to store goods at home has increased due to the fear of not getting the daily necessities. The black market hoarders have taken the opportunity directly. As a result, the prices of daily necessities have gone up abnormally.

Conclusion: In a nutshell, when civilization considers its own motion to be irresistible, then creation paralyzes the entire civilization for a moment. A tiny microscopic virus seemed to prove the truth of this proverb with a finger in our eye. Again we see just how helpless we are to creation. However, in this helplessness of man, nature has gradually reduced the pollution around the world and gradually purified the air again. Wandering on a wild nilgai pasture on the Shunshan Highway in Lockdown has also fascinated us in the face of this catastrophic situation. Experts say the coronavirus will never be the same again. The world may change radically, politically and socio-economically.

Permanent change may also come in the way of human life. However, it is true that once the clouds of disaster are lifted, we will soon be able to breathe again into a healthy world. In that world of the New Testament, we must always remember that the real success of life lies in living in harmony with creation.

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