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Download Link - Click Here


The "File Download Link" Field Formatter
This module provides a field formatter plugin for rendering File fields or Image fields as configurable download links. You can configure the link text, whether or not it opens the file in a new window, and whether or not to try to force download with the html5 download attribute. It also adds some helpful classes to the link in case you want to style different types of files in different ways.

In short, the formatter has these features:

Configurable link text with token integration
Configurable tooltip (i.e. title attribute) with token integration (not shown in screenshots)
Configurable "target" attribute
Configurable "download" attribute
Automatic CSS class based on file type
Configurable additional CSS classes on link with token integration
The submodule file_download_link_media allows you to directly render a Media reference field as a link the Media's source file or image. This may save you from having to configure a new view mode for Media in some cases.
